The Village Market

A Gathering Place for Artisans, Shoppers, Free Thinkers and Philosophers

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Vancouver Colleges New Program Recycles Organic Waste

Jaqueline Wong reports on a new recycling program at Vancouver Community College’s culinary programs and campus cafes that reduces organic wastes ending up in landfills.

Food scraps and expired products are now being collected and transferred to a ranch near Lytton, 250 kilometers northeast of Vancouver, by the B.C.-owned Northwest Organics, said Wendy Avis, VCC manager, environment and sustainability.
The recycling program started in April.
VCC is now promoting the program at its two campuses.
‘We will collect compost and combine it with the organic wastes.’ Avis said.
Since 2010, VCC has been carbon neutral. No bottled water has been sold at its campuses since 2012 and around 1,300 gallons of organic waste from the schools is diverted from landfills weekly. It has also been exploring ways to grow organic food on campus. Continue reading