The Village Market

A Gathering Place for Artisans, Shoppers, Free Thinkers and Philosophers

Deep Wrongness – American Momentum to Attack Syria, (4 Video Insights)

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Thoughts From The Well

…emotionally potent over-simplifications must be provided by myth makers.” (Reinhold Niebuhr, 20th Century theologian and social thinker. This same disregard of ‘regular citizen’, and belief they must be ‘guided’ with simplistic, emotional, information, has prevailed  in modern democracy for centuries. Niebuhr is still much admired.)

Dear Readers,

I’ve spent my entire “should be doing other stuff” day working on this. I’ve not accomplished much for several days – Syria, the proposal to bomb it – has been too much on my mind.   I’ve needed to gather my thoughts. To find a way to share what’s on my mind.   This post is the result.   I hope it offers value to you in your thoughts about Syria, and in your thoughts about ‘where we are’ vs ‘where we might be’ as humanity on earth.

There are many strong objections to the American government’s proposal – that the most intelligent response…

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Author: Daniela

I will forever be grateful I was introduced to the utility and beauty of hand crafted products early in life - from the symbols and motifs sewn onto the coarse linen fabric of Croatian traditional wear to the colorful Kilim carpets that decorated the parquet floors in my grandmother's living room. I treasure the memories of my grandfather teaching me how to protect myself against the "evil eye," the smell of the flower stalls in the open air market where my grandmother bought produce early every morning for the day’s meals and the summers spent at my great grandmother's where the village wags would come to gossip over thick, black Turkish coffee in her cool stone-floored kitchen. Someone noted that "For all of us that want to move forward, there are a very few that want to keep the old methods of production, traditions and crafts alive." I am a fellow traveler with those who value the old traditions and folk wisdom. I believe the knowledge they possess can contribute significantly to our efforts to build a more sustainable world - one that values the individual over the corporation, conservation over growth and happiness over wealth.

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